The Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge report recognised Hackney Council as a strong, high-performing council, highlighting its understanding of the communities in the borough
Hackney Council has agreed on an action plan to build on its success over the past two decades, following a report that praised the borough as “an inclusive, exciting and ambitious council, committed to delivering for its residents.”
The Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge report recognised Hackney Council as a strong, high-performing council, highlighting its understanding of the communities in the borough, its ambitions for addressing inequality, and the positive outcomes delivered for residents.
However, the report also highlights the financial pressures confronting Hackney Council, reflecting the wider economic strain on local government. It provides a set of recommendations to ensure the borough remains resilient and continues to deliver for its residents.
The report was published after a team of senior officers and councillors from other UK councils conducted a four-day visit to Hackney, meeting over 100 councillors, staff, partners, and residents. It provides valuable recommendations to help the council build on its strengths, including suggestions on addressing the urgency of the council’s financial challenges, working with external partners, supporting elected members, and transforming how the council works to deliver the changes needed.
Hackney has seen significant progress over the last two decades, with the council pioneering new and innovative approaches to delivering services. This includes building award-winning council housing, tackling the climate emergency, and leading the way with sought-after schools, beautifully maintained green spaces, and top-of-the-range leisure facilities.
However, the borough still faces the grave challenges of longstanding deprivation, inequality, and increased demand for public services. The financial pressures felt across local government and partner organisations mean that the council cannot stand still and must be ready to learn, improve, and understand where more needs to be done to deliver on its commitments.

This action plan report sets out how we will act on these recommendations, which will support our ongoing commitment to working together for a greener, healthier, fairer and safer Hackney, and for every child in the borough.
Caroline Woodley, Mayor of Hackney
Mayor of Hackney, Caroline Woodley, and Chief Executive Dawn Carter-McDonald, said: “In Hackney, we are proud of our journey over the last two decades. We have made significant strides in delivering services that improve the lives of our residents.” “The LGA Corporate Peer Challenge forms a key part of our improvement process. We fully accept these recommendations, which do not mean a fundamental shift in how the council is working, but instead support the work we are already beginning to do – in some areas encouraging us to scale up and do more. This action plan report sets out how we will act on these recommendations, which will support our ongoing commitment to working together for a greener, healthier, fairer and safer Hackney, and for every child in the borough.”
The action plan agreed by the council’s cabinet outlines specific steps to address the recommendations made in the LGA report.
These steps include measures to tackle the council’s financial challenges, enhance collaboration with external partners, provide better support to elected members, and transform the council’s operations to deliver the necessary changes more effectively.
The council’s commitment to addressing inequality and improving outcomes for residents is evident in its ongoing efforts to provide high-quality services and support to those in need. The action plan will ensure that these efforts continue and are enhanced, with a focus on creating a more sustainable and equitable future for all residents of Hackney.
The LGA Corporate Peer Challenge report and the subsequent action plan are seen as crucial steps in the council’s continuous improvement process. By accepting and acting on the recommendations, Hackney Council aims to build on its strengths and address its challenges, ensuring that it remains a high-performing council that delivers for its residents.
Hackney Council’s agreement on an action plan following the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge report marks a significant step in its ongoing journey to improve and deliver better outcomes for its residents. The council’s commitment to learning, improving, and scaling up its efforts will help create a greener, healthier, fairer, and safer Hackney for all.